Quartet of string musicians play in front of audience sitting in church

IN UNISON Church Program

What started with five partner churches in 1992 is now a flourishing partnership between the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra and 33 predominantly African American partner churches in greater St. Louis. Created to build bridges that lead both into the concert hall and into the community, the IN UNISON Church Program nurtures relationships between the orchestra and members of partner churches through music.

Musicians of the orchestra visit partner churches during worship services sharing music through projects like the Championed Composers Series.

Partner Churches

Partner church members are eligible for significant ticket discounts to attend SLSO concerts. Currently, we are not accepting applications for new IN UNISON Churches.

Upcoming Performances:

Sun, March 16: St. Paul AME Church

Sun, April 13: Greater Mount Carmel Missionary Baptist Church

Sun, April 27: IN UNISON Chorus Annual Community Concert at Greater Grace Church

Sun, May 4: St. Peter Claver Church

Church Qualifications

  • The participating church MUST have approval and support from the current pastor.
  • Each participating church MUST have a coordinator; someone who can attend three meetings per season, work closely with SLSO Associate Director of Group Sales in regards to IN UNISON groups concert attendance, and work with the IN UNISON Program Manager to coordinate an annual church visit with SLSO musicians.


  • Discounted tickets for select concerts.
  • One visit to participating churches each season from SLSO musicians. (Based on availability)
  • Preference as it pertains to the Bayer Fund scholarships in conjugation with the IN UNISON Program Scholarships.

Ticket Discounts

IN UNISON Churches and congregation members receive:

  • 50% off the single ticket price for select SLSO classical concerts
  • 50% off the single ticket price for all Family Concerts
  • 25% off the single ticket price for all Live at Powell Hall concerts

This offer is redeemable for up to 4 tickets (excludes Boxes, Orchestra Right Front and Gala), and can only be applied by contacting the box office by phone at 314-534-1700 or in person.

IN UNISON is presented by