SLSO horn player Victoria Knudtson laughing on stage

Welcome to Your SLSO

The Grammy Award-winning St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, led by Stéphane Denève, The Joseph and Emily Rauh Pulitzer Music Director, is one of the world’s leading orchestras. Tracing its roots to 1880, the SLSO is celebrated for its warm and engaging sound, prolific and acclaimed recording history, national and international touring activities, and commitment to education and community engagement.

Discover more about your St. Louis Symphony Orchestra’s musicians, performances, and impact on the community in our digital magazine.

Portrait of Stéphane Denève

Stéphane Denève

Recognized internationally for the exceptional quality of his performances and programming, Stéphane Denève serves as The Joseph and Emily Rauh Pulitzer Music Director of the SLSO. 

Portrait of Marie-Hélène Bernard

Marie-Hélène Bernard

Marie-Hélène Bernard joined the SLSO as President and CEO on July 1, 2015. Under her leadership, the SLSO has sharpened its commitment to artistic excellence, educational impact, community connections, and access to music—all in service to its mission of enriching lives through the power of music.

Our Board + Staff

Our Board of Trustees and staff members provide guidance and support that are critical to the success of the SLSO.

Meet Our People
Rendering of Powell Hall's new exterior

The Future of Powell Hall

As the home of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, the acoustically-renowned, visually-stunning Powell Hall has inspired generations with the power of music. Today, we’re setting the stage for future generations with a multi-million-dollar revitalization project. Explore how the project will enhance future audience experiences for years to come.

SLSO musicians playing the cello on stage

St. Louis Symphony Orchestra

Learn more about the talented St. Louis Symphony Orchestra musicians.

Meet Our Musicians
Chorus members singing on stage with the orchestra playing

SLSO Choruses

Learn more about the two resident St. Louis Symphony choruses.

Meet Our Choruses
Backside of SLSO string musician playing on stage


Learn more about the current auditions available with St. Louis Symphony Orchestra musicians, choruses, and more.

Explore Auditions
Stéphane Denève conducting orchestra members on stage

Discover the SLSO

Over our remarkable history, the SLSO has inspired millions of people through the beauty and power of music. As the nation’s second-oldest orchestra, the SLSO traces its roots to 1880 with the founding of the St. Louis Choral Society. Since its formation, St. Louis Symphony Orchestra musicians have performed in five buildings until the orchestra moved to its permanent home at Powell Hall in 1968.

Work with Us

Interested in working with the SLSO? Explore our current job opportunities.

Stéphane Denève conducting