Link Up
Each season more than 5,000 students across the bi-state participate in Link Up. This hands-on music program for students in grades 3-5 explores orchestral repertoire in the classroom while preparing students to sing and play recorders or string instruments from their seats in a culminating SLSO Link Up concert. If you teach recorder, singing, or beginning violin, this program is a must!
Link Up is inclusive of students with sensory differences. Accommodations will be provided so that all students may enjoy the experience of live orchestral music. Learn more about the available accommodations and access an Experience Guide to prepare your students on the Planning Your Field Trip page.
Link Up: The Orchestra Sings
Wed, Mar 5, 9:30am & 11:00am
Thur, Mar 6, 9:30am & 11:00am*
*March 6 at 11am is sold out. Seating availability for larger groups may be limited depending on the date. For questions, email
This concert takes place at Touhill Performing Arts Center at UMSL.
Discover all the ways that the orchestra sings! Through engaging repertoire and hands-on activities, Link Up prepares students in grades 3-5 to sing, dance, and play recorders or string instruments in a celebratory culminating concert with the SLSO.
Link Up is a national program of Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute.
Need Assistance?
For ticketing assistance, please call 314-534-1700 or email
For questions regarding the program or curriculum, please email
Planning Your Field Trip
We want to make your Education Concert experience hassle-free. Find more information that will give an overview of your field trip to the SLSO.