Follow Along with the Powell Hall Expansion and Renovation
November 18, 2024
With repainting in Powell Hall’s auditorium nearly complete, crews have begun to freshen up one of the building’s most iconic features: the grand foyer. Scaffolding has been erected to clean and repaint the space, whose design was inspired in part by the chapel at the Palace of Versailles. Crews will meticulously clean the gold leaf that adorns the many details, while painting a unified off-white color on the walls and ceilings.

When complete, the lobby will retain much of its pre-renovation appearance. Aside from new coats of paint, the lobby chandeliers will be cleaned, and new red carpeting and draperies will replace the previous finishes. New acoustically and weather insulated exit-only doors will replace the previous doors along Grand Ave. The existing foyer will connect to the new southwest-facing entrance and lobby, doubling the amount space for guests to gather before and after events.