Follow Along with the Powell Hall Expansion and Renovation
February 26, 2024
Much of the backstage expansion of Powell Hall is now visible—facilities that include a new Education and Learning Center and amenities for musicians and visiting artists.
Now, parts of the front of house expansion are coming into view as construction crews progress on that part of the project.
Two elevators will be added to the new lobby space, tripling the number of elevators for audiences. The first-floor elevator shafts have been poured and work continues on the second floor of the elevator shaft. Critical to accessibility, the elevators will offer more connection points to the auditorium for all.

Shear walls and columns for the new lobby space have been poured. This new lobby will add much-needed space for box office, accessible restrooms, other amenities and an area to congregate before and after concerts. The new lobby features curved walls with inspiration drawn from the shape of a violin by lead architecture design firm Snøhetta.