Follow Along with the Powell Hall Expansion and Renovation
May 31, 2024
Recently, the iconic entry doors facing Grand Ave. to Powell Hall were removed as the entrances to Powell Hall and some of the interior spaces are reconfigured for a different use. When Powell Hall reopens in 2025, audiences will no longer enter under the marquee, instead accessing the hall through one of four accessible and covered entrances: through the new lobby facing southwest at Grand Ave. and Sam Shephard Dr., a new east entrance near the surface parking lot, a reconfigured north entrance on Delmar Blvd., and, for performers, a new east-facing artist entry.
At the former Box Office space, the original entry doors will no longer be in use and the space will be transformed from a cramped Box Office area to a cafe, serving light food and drink. The new concession area will also connect to a new outdoor patio, providing more seating and gathering space for audiences before concerts. The Box Office will relocate to the new lobby in the expansion.
The other doors facing Grand Ave. have also been removed in preparation for replacement. These doors will remain in use as exits at the conclusion of events.