Education Programs
We’re committed to creating musical experiences that are accessible to all students and being a valuable partner to music educators in St. Louis and around the world. Join the more than 1,200 schools tapping into the SLSO to inspire their students to get involved and stay involved in music.

Field Trips
Enrich your students’ music education with a field trip. From full orchestra concerts to chamber performances, we offer engaging musical experiences for students at all grade levels.

In-School Programs
Engage with us in your own classroom. Our in-school residencies and cross-curricular programs celebrate your students’ creativity.

Young Musicians
Encourage your students’ musical development. We offer a variety of programs, resources, and supports to aid young musicians in taking their musicianship to the next level.

Learning Lab
Bring SLSO musicians into your classroom with free digital learning for every grade level. From full–length concerts to short video modules and online lesson plans, explore a variety of digital resources.

Professional Development
More than 350 teachers participate in professional development with the SLSO each season. Rejuvenate your passion, find new inspiration, or hone your teaching practice through a variety of teacher networking events and workshops.
SLSO education programs are presented by:

The SLSO is a proud corporate member of

Connect with Your SLSO
Sing in one of the choruses, volunteer at a concert, or join the young friends group. There are so many ways to connect with other music lovers through your SLSO.