May 2024

The SVA’s “News and Notes” newsletter is a quarterly publication that reviews the previous quarter’s accomplishments and provides a preview of activities to come. Comments and suggestions are welcome at Photo: SVA Trivia Night heroes Martha Duchild and Becky Brown.

Notes from the President

Welcome to Spring, SVA Volunteers!

This is the season of growth, expansion and renewal which often inspires us to set goals and to act on achieving our dreams.

That said, the SVA is and has been fully committed to growth and expansion as we continue to rally around the SLSO during these 2 transition years away from Powell Hall. We are halfway through the Powell Hall renovation and expansion project and can begin to visualize our dream of returning to a beautiful new home.

I envision a state-of-the art Music Center filled with music from a vibrant orchestra, smiling patrons, donors and community members, energized volunteers and staff and a project team beaming with a sense of accomplishment – all of whom are proud of not only the completed project but also of the way everyone has come together to make this dream possible.

Thank you for your extraordinary volunteer efforts this season. You have said yes to many new requests to help in new roles, in new locations with new people and leaders. What impresses me most is how so many people have joined together unselfishly with a shared goal of making this 2023/2024 season successful. That speaks volumes about the caliber of our members and your love of the SLSO.

As we prepare for year two away from the hall, I ask you to re-commit to serving the SLSO through the SVA by:

  • Saying YES to volunteering
  • Inviting your friends and family to volunteer and to attend concerts
  • Renewing your concert subscriptions
  • Encouraging others to explore the 24/25 season
  • Consider making or increasing your donation to the annual fund
  • Consider donating to the Powell Hall Campaign as part of the SVA gift (read on for more information)

All your support is valuable to the SLSO and is appreciated.

Thanks for all you do, and I look forward to seeing you soon!

With gratitude,


SVA Gift to the Powell Hall Campaign

Thanks to all the SVA members who have contributed to the SVA’s gift to the Music for All Campaign. Your support and early participation are enabling the SVA to present a meaningful gift to the SLSO, and as a result, the SVA will have naming opportunities in our new home, the renovated and expanded Powell Hall.

Your gifts represent your love for the SLSO and provide you with the opportunity to be part of a once-in-a-generation legacy project that makes lasting, transformational impact in the greater St Louis community and on individual lives both today and in the future. Not only will we as patrons be returning to a beautiful, state-of-the-art new home, but the SLSO is creating an inspirational new center for music performance, learning, and community engagement. 

The SVA’s goal is to present a collective campaign gift of $350,000 to the SLSO. To date, we are less than $15,000 away. By reaching this goal, the SVA will have two naming opportunities in the new Powell Hall. One is to name the kitchenette in the musicians’ lounge; the second is in an area that is public facing, potentially a walkway into the new building. 

We are remarkably close and would like to achieve or exceed our goal very soon as the campaign was recently announced to the public. Gifts of all sizes are an welcome. 

If you would like to be part of the SVA’s gift for the campaign, please contact Kristin Lamprecht at or Elaine Wichmer at

Many thanks for your generous support and love of the SLSO!

To stay up to date on the renovation progress, check out the Powell Hall page of the SLSO Stories website!

Special Feature: Learning More about Music 

By Jim Moore and Louise Cheli 

I’m at the symphony, killing time before they start, reading the playbill. And there it is…Mozart Symphony No. 10 in G Major. What is G Major? What is G Minor? Why is it called a symphony and sometimes a concerto? Why do composers make things so complicated?

If you want the short answer, go to Wikipedia. I wanted the long answer. Since I tune pianos, I decided I ought to understand all this musical nomenclature better. And I had an email about a resource from the SLCL library called       Udemy. It’s an excellent resource andfreely accessible with your St. Louis County Library card.

It is a free resource you can use to learn anything and everything. Thousands of on demand courses on a wide variety of subjects. I did a search on music theory and found a college level class and learned all about all those little squiggles and jots on music scores. Pitch names, octaves, time signatures, major and minor scales, sharps, flats, black keys, white keys, half steps, rests, clefs, triplets, naturals, chords, scales, triads, circle of fifths, triplets…and on and on and on.

A great resource most people are not aware of. Bored? Jump on Udemy and learn something you are interested in!

You can see a lot more music resources from the St. Louis County Library (and beyond) in this Music Guide that Louise Cheli created. It includes databases, outside resources, local venues, ebooks, print sources, and more. You can find the complete list of all of our St. Louis County Library LibGuides by clicking here. We have guides on a wide range of topics, from Accessibility to Health and Wellness to World Cultures and much, much more! Happy exploring!

Also, please see all of the musical instruments that you can check out at the St. Louis County Library.

Feature Article: Get to Know Paul Pietrowski 

Paul Pietrowski is the SLSO’s new Chief Operating Officer. We asked him to tell us a bit about his history and the goals he seeks to achieve in his new position.

It all started with a phone call on a cold December day in 2023. At the other end of the line was the friendly (and very convincing, I must say), voice of Marie-Hélène Bernard: “Let me tell you about the SLSO…it’s special.”

To be frank, I’ve known for a long time now that the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra was special. While studying the trombone, I can remember listening to recording after recording of the SLSO and playing along to the SLSO as I learned the standard orchestra excerpts for my instrument. The SLSO’s rich recording and performance history is certainly special, but I would soon learn how remarkable this organization truly is. At the time I was the Vice President of Orchestra and Productions with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. My wife, Abby, and our two sons, Conner and Nolan, moved there via Richmond, Virginia, in 2017. Although I was not looking for a change, I knew that I needed to learn more about this opportunity in St. Louis. Like I said, Marie-Hélène is very convincing!

From my first visit, I was impressed that everyone I met believed in and was working to achieve the mission of the SLSO. I discovered that this organization’s biggest asset was the remarkable and dedicated individuals who all share the love of music. As the organization was entering its next exciting chapter, they were seeking someone to help lead the artistic, operations, and production team through a period of change and transition. I am thankful that Marie-Hélène Bernard and Stéphane Denève chose me.

As the Chief Operating Officer, my team helps execute Stéphane Denève’s artistic vision, creating an unparalleled concert experience for all audiences. During this past season and in the upcoming season, the SLSO has and will continue to face numerous challenges as we continue to perform during the major renovation of Powell Hall. Many details go into the planning and execution of each concert so that our artists can create powerful performances for our audience. And although difficult, there is a silver lining from the displacement out of Powell Hall. It has allowed the team to stretch their abilities and created opportunities to learn new skills. I have been so impressed with how the team has adapted to this challenge and can’t wait to see how they elevate the concert experience once we return to the newly renovated and expanded Powell Hall!

In addition to overseeing the execution of the orchestra season, my focus is also on nurturing a strong rapport with our orchestra, choruses, and guest artists to ensure that the SLSO is well known for its artistic profile and as a destination for all artists. It is our people who make this organization special, and it’s important to me that I continue to shepherd these relationships. I am so very thankful that the SVA is here to help. Your dedication to this organization through volunteering doesn’t go unnoticed by the orchestra. You are a vital part of the organization and one of the reasons the SLSO is truly so special!


Cocktails and Conversation

It was wonderful being with many of you at our April zoom Cocktails and Conversation, featuring Kevin McBeth, IN UNISON Chorus Director. I’m sure you will agree that he was the perfect guest to conclude a terrific “C and C” season.

A special thank you to our own Laura Dwyer, the perfect host and moderator. She makes the hour run so smoothly, and we owe much of its success to her expertise!

We would love to hear from you. Please let us know if you enjoyed these interactive zoom sessions and would like to see more in the future.

Enjoy the summer!

Marilyn Humiston — Co-team Lead Phyllis Traub — Co-team Lead

New and Prospective

The New and Prospective Committee is very pleased to introduce our newest SVA members:

  • David Pickar (joined February 2024)
  • Paul Milligan (joined February 2024)
  • Tom Foertmeyer (joined March 2024)
  • Julia Neisen (joined March 2024)
  • Patti Davis (joined March 2024)
  • Lynda Pate (joined March 2024)

New this season, the New and Prospective committee staffed recruitment tables at Coffee Concerts, open rehearsals, and Youth Orchestra concerts. We thoroughly enjoyed having additional opportunities to engage with patrons and were able to recruit several new members from these events. However, YOU, our current SVA members, continue to be our strongest pipeline for recruitment! Please continue to share your positive experiences with friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, etc. If you know anyone who might be interested in joining the SVA, please refer them to the New and Prospective Committee. We would love to connect with them!

As always, if you have any ideas on how to recruit new SVA members, please contact us at We would love to hear from you!

Elizabeth Hahn, Chair
Connie Wepfer, Vice-Chair

Pick and Choose

Pick and Choose showed its flexibility when it handled an unscheduled task that was associated with the annual report, followed by the scheduled activity of preparing gift bags for a special event for donors contributing $10K+ to the building expansion campaign.

For information about future opportunities, contact P&C chair Sue Propper at

Meetings and Events

SVA’s Winter Brunch met March 9, 2024, in the bright and sunny Champions Room at Probstein Golf Course in Forest Park. Seventy-five SVA members, guests and staff arrived for Meet and Greet, mingling among longtime friends and new acquaintances. Terri Ciccolella was the committee lead for the event, supplemented by Teri Steinberg, Kathryn Norwood, Mark Mittleman, Penny Bari, Meg and Don Riechman, and Linda Seibert.

Following a well received, full buffet-style brunch, Laura Dwyer introduced Steve Franklin, Principal Trumpet and Jonathan Randazzo, Principal Trombone, both new to the SLSO this season, who provided a delightful musical program. Both players spoke eloquently about their instruments, their careers, and their enthusiasm for our orchestra and Powell Hall. Steven is also a composer, having scored the film The Author. He is currently writing music for his second film project. Jonathan taught us about the fascinating workings of the trombone. Both are from musical families. They played a fanciful duet from “Suite for Two Winds,” by Wilfred Roberts, a collection of five short movements: “The Perils of Herald,” “Count Your Change,” “Snap Goes the Dragon,” “Do I Hear a Second,” and “Squirrels in the Attic.”

Laura introduced Ian Kivler, the SLSO Artistic Administrator. His personal musical history includes studying trumpet at Rice University where he met his wife, SLSO violinist Andrea Jarrett. As he discovered he loved the business of music more than playing in an orchestra, he transitioned to his current job, which includes helping to plan the SLSO’s schedule up to three years in advance. He works with Stéphane Denève and Marie-Hélène Bernard on music choices; contacts agents to secure soloists; and he works with the personnel manager and librarians to make sure our musicians have everything they need.

Our SVA President, Debbie Dillon announced a new initiative, the SVA Hospitality Team; gave kudos to those who worked so hard to make the Trivia Night a success; gave thanks to those who guided Tiny Tunes to our largest Education department project ever; and announced the Powell Hall Campaign has gone extremely well. See more about these elsewhere in New and Notes.

Mark your calendar for the next meeting, SVA Spring Luncheon, Friday, June 7, 2024, 11:00 am, at MAC West.

Kathy Norwood, Chair

Dianna Barron, Vice-Chair


As you may already know, our big 100th SVA Anniversary is coming up in 2025. Nancy Malvin, with assistance from others, has been working on an SVA history project. The first step was to conduct a series of interviews with past SVA presidents and other long-term members. It is now time for those interviews to be transcribed, and we need your help! If you’re interested and able to type, please contact Nancy at the address below for details of the project. Volunteers will listen to the recordings and then type the dialogue. The work will be done from your home with your computer, and Nancy will provide a computer-generated transcript to be used as a starting point.

Hopefully your fingers are nimble, and you are ready to help with this assignment. Nancy will be available to help you get started and answer any questions. Her email address is

Membership Engagement

Kathryn Snodgrass continues to receive requests and sends cards in sympathy or with well wishes. Anyone in the SVA membership is encouraged to contact Kathryn at, requesting written recognition of a fellow volunteer’s needs or celebrations.

Kathryn Snodgrass, Team Lead

Education and Community Programs

Message from the VP of Education and Community Programs

It’s a little hard to believe that the Powell Hall renovation project is at the halfway point. When you drive by Grand and Delmar and you look at the concrete shell of the new addition you can’t help but wonder what it looks like on the inside. After all, it’s what’s inside that counts, right? Maybe I should rephrase that. It’s what’s GOING TO BE on the inside that counts. In just another year we are going to be on the inside, continuing to listen to world-class music, interacting with patrons, and promoting the mission of the SLSO. Here’s to a fast final year with us on the outside looking in! I can’t wait to get back!

Thank you to the volunteers that have stepped up this past year, even coming out of comfort zones to assist in the expanding opportunities created by the SLSO’s Education Department. As this department gets ready to move into their greatly enlarged work space, their creative juices are already flowing with ways on how to best utilize that space. I have no doubt that they will be calling on the SVA more and more to assist with opportunities to reach children, making them future patrons, donors, and even members of the SVA. 

Suzanne Seibel
VP Education and Community Programs

Coffee Concerts

The final Coffee Concert of the season was held on Friday, April 19. As usual, our volunteers served a wide mix of patrons, from long-time subscribers to area school groups. This year, with the change of venue to the UMSL’s Touhill Performing Arts Center, we needed many more volunteers in the past, and we’re always looking for more.

For further information about SVA Coffee Concert activities please contact Group Leaders Milly Neff and Doug Neff (

Doug Neff, Co-Lead

Milly Simon, Co-Lead

Express the Music—Re-imagined

[Ed note: the submission deadline for this issue of News and Notes was before this meeting was held.]. The ETM Re-imagination Committee completed its sixth planning meeting in March. The first listening session, with teachers from related disciplines and a variety of school districts, is scheduled for April 8, to be held at the Richmond Heights Community Center. We will be offering the attendees dinner, a little music from a couple of our SLSO members in order to engage the teachers in an activity to prepare them for creative thinking, and individual listening sessions to be held at each of five to six tables. An SVA representative will moderate each table discussion and another SVA representative will take notes. The goal is for us to listen to them: what could an effective “Express the Music” program be in their eyes, for example. Before dismissing the participants, there will be a sharing of the key ideas/thoughts generated, along with a general plan for proceeding.

Paula Hertel and Mary Parks have devoted several hours following up with those teachers who were invited, along with other educators whom people have recommended. Connie Wepfer is getting the food/drink services organized. We’re estimating that somewhere between 20 and 30 educators will be attending.

Thanks to the committee members for their time participating in planning meetings and assisting Sarah Ruddy from the SLSO with the detailed planning activities: Patty Kaplan, Janice Seele, Lynda Lieberman, Sue Darcy, Connie Wepfer, Paula Hertel, Liz Halpin, Sherry Moschner, and Jessica Ingraham.

We can’t wait to hear from the educators and move forward with plans for another great SVA educational program!

Lynda Lieberman, Chair

Paula Hertel, Vice-Chair

Picture the Music

Picture the Music held its 34th annual Awards Ceremony on Sunday, April 7, 2024, at the Missouri Botanical Garden’s Bayer Event Center. Maria A. Ellis served as emcee and Picture the Music Chairperson Beth Rogers and Vice-Chairperson Sue Darcy presented the awards.

This year, elementary teachers from 86 private, public, parochial, and homeschools across the region asked 16,000 students to create artwork inspired by “Dance of the Butterfly” from Albert Roussel’s The Spiders Feast. The teachers then submitted 534 of the 16,000 pieces of art to the Picture the Music competition, where a panel of six judges—all art professionals—reviewed the artwork and selected the top 100 finalists. Those 100 finalists were awarded a certificate of achievement. Of those 100 students, 25 were given Blue Ribbons for works of excellence. One student from each grade, kindergarten through sixth, received the Symphony Award Medal. This award is given for work that best captures the essence of the music. Two students, one from grades kindergarten through third and one from grades fourth through sixth, received the Maestro Award Medal. This award is given to the two pieces of artwork that best capture the spirit of the musical selection.

The Missouri Botanical Garden graciously gave free admission to the Garden to all attendees and gave each student winner two additional tickets to enter the Garden and the Children’s Garden. The artwork then traveled to the St. Louis Art Museum where it was on display in the Student Gallery April 9–22, at which time the exhibit moved to the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House in Chesterfield and was on display until May 6, when teachers were able to pick up their student’s artwork.

For more information, contact PTM chair Beth Rogers at

Beth Rogers, Chair

Sue Darcy, Vice-Chair

Instrument Playground

The Instrument Playground Committee helped with the Family Concert on February 3 with hands-on activities for the families to enjoy before the concert. On February 6–8, IP facilitated music activities for the Tiny Tunes concerts at the Sheldon.

Watch your emails for announcements of activities for the Spring season.

Karen Nichols, Chair

Youth Orchestra and Trivia Night

Our dedicated group of SVA and St. Louis Symphony Youth Orchestra volunteers opened the doors to an excited crowd of around 230 people at our third trivia night on February 3. Those in attendance included SLSO musicians, fellow volunteers and their family and friends, and trivia fans from the community who were eager to experience what has quickly become one of the best trivia nights in St. Louis, thanks in part to our lively hosts, Mixtape Trivia (photo, right)! The host band led us on our time travel themed evening, challenging participants to ten rounds of questions ranging from “Musical Math” to “Time Travel Cinema.”

A huge thank you to those whose contributions of time and talent helped make this evening a great success! Through donations, round sponsorships, silent auction sales, bar tips, and table purchases, we were able to raise over $13,600 for the YO! Equally as important to the evening was the shared sense of community and the overall feeling of fun. Whether guests were seriously committed to getting a high score, or whether they just wanted to enjoy the host’s performance while socializing with friends (or both), there is no doubt that the SVA’s Trivia Night succeeded in providing an unforgettable evening of entertainment!

Stay tuned, as plans for next year’s Trivia Night are already underway …

The finale of the Youth Orchestra’s 54th season was performed on Saturday, April 20, 2024, at 1:00pm at the Touhill Performing Arts Center at UMSL. Conducted by Ian Passmore, the season finale featured the YO’s Co-Concertmaster, Micaela Chyu, winner of the YO’s annual concerto competition, in the YO’s performance of Erich Wolfgang Korngold’s Violin Concerto. The second piece was Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Symphony No. 2.

The YO musicians and their bios can be found at:

For further information about Youth Orchestra and volunteering, please contact SVA Team Lead Stephanie Randall ( 

Education Hosts

Education Hosts’ final assignment for this season was the much-loved Link-Up concert series May 8–9. If you haven’t witnessed the spectacle of over a thousand students playing their recorders (properly) along with the SLSO, it would be worth your while to sign up for next year!

For information about Education Hosts, please contact team lead Steve Seele (

Philanthropy & Stewardship:


The 23/24 season began with a new role for the Ambassador Committee. Shuttle hosts and valet greeters would take on a new responsibility and importance for the patrons of our classical concerts for their continued attendance and support of the SLSO. With shuttles to Touhill and Stifel, we consistently saw an increase in shuttle tickets and riders. Shuttle service for the Coffee Concerts at Touhill has become so popular that it now requires two coaches. We are very happy that our ambassador volunteers have stepped up by signing up or filling in when called to assist. We are proud to say that no shuttle bus has gone without a shuttle host. We still need and welcome volunteers to this committee as we go into the upcoming season. The word is out among our patrons: “Take the symphony shuttle and leave your parking woes behind!”

The main tasks of the Ambassador Committee members have been to act as welcoming and informative shuttle hosts and greet patrons, paying special attention to those with valet privileges at our venues. What do the shuttle hosts do? We greet the patrons and welcome them onto the coach, check their tickets, prepare them for security screening at each venue, and count heads while asking if each guest will be returning with us. The latter is important to make sure we have not left anyone behind! We work to assure the safety of our patrons boarding and exiting the coaches. Often the shuttle hosts provide information about upcoming concerts, guest artists, or Powell Hall updates.

Our volunteer valet greeters make patrons feel welcome at the venue. They greet the valet-privilege holders, help them out of their cars, and give them information regarding the patron lounges.

We have heard many positive reactions regarding the shuttle service from guests throughout the season. We feel this has been a worthwhile service.

For more information, contact Ambassadors at

Sharongay Pearline, Chair
Donald Pearline, Vice-Chair

SVA Losses in Recent Months

Darlene Roland

Darlene died peacefully on March 11, surrounded by her loving family.

Darlene was the daughter of the late William and Geraldine Brink; daughter-in-law of the late A. Charles Roland Jr. and Marion Noland; loving wife of 57 years to the late A. Charles (Chuck) Roland III; loving mother of A. Charles “Chick” Roland IV, Elizabeth “Beth” (Tim) Simmons; grandmother, great-grandmother, sister and aunt, and friend to all.

Darlene was born on June 10, 1937, in St. Louis. She graduated from Brentwood High School and attended the University of Missouri – Columbia for 2 years before being forced to leave due to illness.

Darlene was an avid volunteer. President of the St. Louis Conservatory & School for the Arts, President of the National Society of Arts and Letters, President of the St. Louis Symphony Volunteer Association, as well as many other organizations.

Darlene loved to play golf, travel, and was dedicated to many animal rescues. She was loved by all.

Emily Williams

Emily (nee Kaitschuk), passed away on Saturday, March 16, 2024, at the age of 81. Loving wife of the late William J. Williams; dear mother of Donna (James) Marx, Theresa (Charles) Boville, Stephen Williams, John Williams; grandmother of 11; great-grandmother of 6; sister of Janet (David) Williams, Nancy (the late Frank) Beagle, Arnold (Trina) Kaitschuk and Sarah (Ronald) Greb; loving aunt, cousin, and friend to many.

Emily grew up in Campbell Hill, Illinois, and was the daughter of a Lutheran minister. As a result, she was a lifelong follower of the Lutheran Church. Most recently she was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church serving on the Altar Guild, participating in a Christ Care Group, and playing handbells.

Emily was an accomplished pianist and organist. Her passion for music continued as she attended and volunteered for the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra. In addition, she had been a Muny season ticket holder since the mid-1980s, a yearly tradition her daughters plan to carry forward. Emily was an avid traveler; highlights include vacations with her children and grandchildren, road trips with her siblings, watching the STL Cardinals play at Roger Dean Stadium, and attending the once-in-a-decade performance of The Passion Play in Oberammergau, Germany. She was a valued member of her close-knit neighborhood and served on the HOA board for many years. A generous philanthropist, Emily donated to various organizations that shared her Christian values.

Emily and her husband, Bill, started Williams Tile and Marble Company in 1976. Emily left her career as a pediatric ICU nurse to assist with accounting and other various tasks. When Bill passed in 1986, she took over and remained President and CEO of the company until her retirement in 2008. Some notable jobs completed during her tenure were Busch Stadium, Galleria Mall, and the historic downtown Central Library. Emily was the first female president of the Tile Contractors Association of America and she continued to help judge their scholarship awards through 2023. She was honored to be named Top Women Business Owner by Small Business Monthly.

Emily was most proud of her big, beautiful family who will fondly think of her when they hear classical music, attend a St. Louis Cardinals game, or see birds in their backyards.

SVA General Board contact information for 2023/2024

Your General Board consists of the Executive Committee; Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs, who fall under one of the three VPs; and Team Leads, whose groups take on recurring tasks within certain committees.

All these leaders are available, via their “official” SLSO emails, to welcome you into their committees/teams, answer questions, and generally provide resources to enrich your SVA experience. All Execs, Chairs and Team Leads have SLSO emails, as listed below. Vice-Chairs do not have SLSO emails, but are listed below for completeness.

    Exec Committee

    • President
      Debbie Dillon –
    • VP Philanthropy & Stewardship
      Jim Moore –
    • VP Education
      Suzanne Seibel –
    • VP Membership
      Martha Duchild –
    • Secretary
      Patty Kaplan –

    Membership Committees

    • New & Prospective Chair
      Elizabeth Hahn –
    • New & Prospective Vice Chair
      Connie Wepfer
    • Meetings Chair
      Kathryn Norwood –
    • Meetings Vice Chair
      Dianna Barron
    • Pick & Choose Chair
      Sue Propper –

    Education Committees

    • ETM Chair
      Lynda Leiberman –
    • ETM Vice Chair
      Paula Hertel
    • PTM Chair
      Beth Rogers –
      • PTM Vice Chair
        Sue Darcy
      • IP Chair
        Karen Nichols – SVA
      • IP Vice Chair
        Jim Schindler
      • Powell Hall Opportunities Chair
        Sherry Moschner –
      • Powell Hall Opportunities Vice Chair
        Debbie Eldridge

      Philanthropy & Stewardship Committees

      • Advocacy Chair
        Mike Grayson –
      • Advocacy Vice Chair
        Moseley LaVerne
      • Ambassadors Chair
        Sharongay Pearline –
      • Ambassadors Vice Chair
        Don Pearline
      • Boutique Chair
        Karen Silsby –
      • Boutique Vice Chair
        Christine Henry
      • Discovery Chair
        Kent McNeil –
      • Discovery Vice Chair
        Janice Seele
      • Friends Chair
        Glenna Schindler –
      • Friends Vice Chair
        Marjorie Smith
      • Nominating Committee Chair –

      Team Leads

      • Membership Engagement
        Kathryn Snodgrass –
      • Cocktails and Conversation Co-Lead
        Phyllis Traub
      • Cocktails and Conversation Co-Lead
        Marilyn Humiston
      • Analysis and Research
        Jim Moore
      • Coffee Concerts Co-Lead
        Millie Neff –
      • Coffee Concerts Co-Lead
        Doug Neff
      • Education Hosts
        Steve Seele –
      • Group Hosts
        Susanne Mertens –
      • Powell Hall Tours
        Becky Brown –
      • Youth Orchestra
        Stephanie Randall –
      • Directory
        Susan Pribble –
      • Communications
        Jeff Kaplan
      • Photography
        Pam Belloli –
      • YO Trivia
        Martha Duchild –

      Need to Get in Touch?

      Eric Dundon

      Public Relations Director
