Youth Orchestra
Isabella Davis
Isabella Davis is a 17 year old violinist and is so excited for her 2nd youth orchestra season ahead!
She has been studying violin since she was three years old and is so grateful for the music opportunities she’s had over the years.
Isabella has participated in the Illinois Music Education Association (ILMEA) District level for three years. Two in the Junior division and one in Senior earning title positions all three years.
In 2023, She was invited to the state wide Illinois Music Education Convention (IMEC) and was fortunate to be selected for the Honors Orchestra directed by Jung-Ho Pak!
Isabella has participated in Webster’s Young Peoples Symphonic Orchestra (YPSO) in positions including Principal Second.
She’s also enjoyed participating in several Metropolitan Orchestra of St. Louis (MOSL) concerts.
She has studied under very accomplished teachers including Eva Kozma, Ann Fink and Joseph Kaminsky and is so grateful for all she has learned from them.
When Isabella’s not practicing or playing her violin, she loves composing songs on the piano, acting in live theater as well as playing music and singing with her sisters.
She is very grateful for all her family’s love and support and is thankful for the opportunity to play in the YO!
Isabella has a deep appreciation for the gift of music and enjoys a wide variety of genres. She is incredibly grateful for how God has used music to bless her and wants to glorify Him in all that she does!